Event Overview

Saturday June 24th, 2017

CrossFit Natural State
3104 Prosperity Dr
Jonesboro, AR

There will be 2 divisions:

Rampage on the Ridge 4 registration will be capped at 40 teams (20 Rx’d, 20 Scaled).

Registration will be first come first serve.

RX Division Athletes should be able to perform the following:
Back Squat 225/160 lbs.
Front Squat 135/95 lbs.
Clean & Jerk 135/95 lbs.
Thruster 135/95 lbs.
Deadlift 225/160 lbs.
Clean 135/95 lbs.
Snatch 135/95 lbs.
Strict press 135/95 lbs.
Bench press 135/95 lbs.
Overhead squat 135/95 lbs.
Kettlebell Swing 70/53 lbs.
Wallball 20/14 lbs. (10 & 9 ft.)
Dumbbell movements up to 50 lbs.
Slam Ball 40/30 lbs.
Double Unders
Ring Muscle ups
Bar Muscle ups
Handstand push up
Pull ups (any style)
Chest to Bar pull ups
GHD sit ups
Box Jump 24/20 inches
Run at least 400 meters
Sled drag 135/90 lbs.

Scaled Division Athletes should be able to perform the following:
Back Squat 135/95 lbs.
Front Squat 95/65 lbs.
Clean & Jerk 95/65 lbs.
Thruster 95/65 lbs.
Deadlift 185/130 lbs.
Clean 95/65 lbs.
Snatch 95/65 lbs.
Strict press 95/65 lbs.
Bench press 95/65 lbs.
Overhead squat 95/65 lbs.
Kettlebell Swing 53/35 lbs.
Wallball 20/14 lbs. (10 & 9 ft.)
Dumbbell movements up to 50 lbs.
Slam ball 40/30 lbs.
Double Unders
Pull ups
GHD sit ups
Box Jump 24/20 inches
Run at least 400 meters
Sled drag 90 lbs.